Monday, May 3, 2010

Why eat Pie? Because it's tasty.

So....I changed my mind and put this together today instead.....

1. It's a higher level programming language and can therefore run on any computer type effectively. Low level languages will generally need to be rewritten for another type of computer. Here we don't have that kind of problem.

2. Tied into the reason above, we have the fact that as a high level language it's super quick to write programs.

3. You can use it to do neat little tricks. Say for example you have a bunch of files you want to search through but maybe you only want the results to be your power point files. You can write a script (which is just a text file with some code in it) and ensuring all your results are only power point files. Maybe it's not the best of all examples but just think to yourself of all the times you;ve thouhgt to yourself that your computer isn't doing excalty what the hell you want it to? Knowing Python, the chance are that you could whip up a little program to do it for you pretty quickly.

4. Everyone is writing "apps" nowadays right and maybe you're thinking to youself something along the lines of damn.....if only I knew how to do that too. Learn python and you'll be in a position to knock them out like a porn star.

5. So you can work on little projects for homeuse or you can put together some heavy machinery in the form of online applications/mobile apps. ....I'm not sure how much more convincing you need to be honest...I mean Google uses python. The guy who invented the language is now working for them and I imagine he isn't too worried about what kind of pension he's going to have to live off.

The Bear.

Leave a comment and let me know if there's anything you think I've missed out or alternatively, if you think there's another programming langauge you think one would be best served learning!


So I'm been giving some careful thought to which programming lanaguage to better acquaint myself with and have come to the conclusion that Python is the way to go.

Some careful thought went into this decision but one of the things that you will find on typing "what programming language should I learn" or a question of a similar nature into a search engine is that that it all depends on what you want to do with the language. Blah blah blah.
It's reasonable advice because its true, but many people begin learning to program without having any idea what they are going to making in 2 years time. You'll therefore have to excuse me if I spit on this advice

As for why Python?! A google search will allow you to piece together a fair few fine arguments for it but I'll jot mine down here anyway....tomorrow.

The Bear.

Leave a comment!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Learn to touch type!

So....something which has come to my attention is that I need/want to learn how to type as though my keypad is on fire. I type pretty quickly already, and use all 5 fingers but my method has been built up over the years as a result of using the keyboard so much in my every day life. I can get faster, so why not start working on that now?

I read an interesting post on another blog which encouraged me that even if my programming is not yet at a level where it affects me, the ability to touch type like a secretar from the 1960's will probably benefit me further down the line.

See the post:

For those of you who are after a touch typing course for free. This isn't half bad. There are probably better ones out there but this one is working for me pretty well:

The Bear.

Comment and let me know if this has been useful!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A blog about learning to program. What? YAH, exactly.

I want to learn how to program. I want to be able to program so well that I don't even have to consiously think about the process. I understand the the task is clearly not going to be easy but I'm going to do it anyway.

The end goal is that programming becomes an intuitive process for me, something as obvious as speaking or writing english. The fact that I will not be content with simply having working knowledge of programming may be an issue when I hit low points and lack motivation but touch wood I'm able to push this through to the end.

Here I'll be documenting my journey and providing readers with tips I pick up along the way. Hope it turns out to be enjoyable reading for you all.

The Bear

Comment and let me know what you guys think!